Apartments & Houses For Rent In Platteville, WI


Many companies are offering options to tour properties while social distancing.
Ask about live video tour options when you contact a landlord today!

15 Harrison Ave Platteville, WI 53818

15 Harrison Ave Platteville, WI 53818

15 Harrison Ave Platteville, WI 53818

15 Harrison Ave Platteville, WI 53818

$595 - $650

Available: Now
  • 26 mins

    To Campus

  • S - 1 Bed


  • $595 - $650


  • Now


Walk Time To Campus: 26 mins

500 Lancaster St Platteville, WI 53818

500 Lancaster St Platteville, WI 53818

500 Lancaster St Platteville, WI 53818

500 Lancaster St Platteville, WI 53818


Available: Now
  • 25 mins

    To Campus

  • 2 Bed


  • $800


  • Now


Walk Time To Campus: 25 mins

295/297 North Second Street

295 N 2nd St Platteville, WI 53818

295/297 North Second Street

295 N 2nd St Platteville, WI 53818


Available: Now
  • 28 mins

    To Campus

  • 2 Bed


  • $900


  • Now


Walk Time To Campus: 28 mins

500 Virgin Ave Platteville, WI 53818

500 Virgin Ave Platteville, WI 53818

500 Virgin Ave Platteville, WI 53818

500 Virgin Ave Platteville, WI 53818

$1400 - $1500

Available: Now
  • 30+ mins

    To Campus

  • 4 Bed


  • $1400 - $1500


  • Now


Walk Time To Campus: 30+ mins

870/874 Hathaway St

870 Hathaway St Platteville, WI 53818

870/874 Hathaway St

870 Hathaway St Platteville, WI 53818


Available: Now
  • 27 mins

    To Campus

  • 4 Bed


  • $1200


  • Now


Walk Time To Campus: 27 mins

180 E Cedar St Platteville, WI 53818

180 E Cedar St Platteville, WI 53818

180 E Cedar St Platteville, WI 53818

180 E Cedar St Platteville, WI 53818


Available: Now
  • 29 mins

    To Campus

  • 4 Bed


  • $1500


  • Now


Walk Time To Campus: 29 mins

475/485 Southwest Road

475 Southwest Rd Platteville, WI 53818

475/485 Southwest Road

475 Southwest Rd Platteville, WI 53818


Available: Now
  • 15 mins

    To Campus

  • 3 Bed


  • $990


  • Now


Walk Time To Campus: 15 mins

765 Pioneer Point

765 W Madison St, Platteville, WI 53818
  • f3ed0ff46ed4f21107da7b0dfbbee8752511f7221S.jpeg

765 Pioneer Point

765 W Madison St, Platteville, WI 53818


Available: 2026-06-01
  • 12 mins

    To Campus

  • 4 Bed


  • $1600


  • 2026-06-01


Walk Time To Campus: 12 mins

775 Pioneer Point

775 W Madison St, Platteville, WI 53818
  • 2b2965d2f649c4b76e3e60ddff81753685f081c6za.jpeg

775 Pioneer Point

775 W Madison St, Platteville, WI 53818

$800 - $1600

Available: 2026-06-01
  • 12 mins

    To Campus

  • 2 - 4 Bed


  • $800 - $1600


  • 2026-06-01


Walk Time To Campus: 12 mins

570 N Washington St. Duplex

570 N Washington St, Platteville, WI 53818
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570 N Washington St. Duplex

570 N Washington St, Platteville, WI 53818

$1000 - $1200

Available: 2025-06-01
  • 22 mins

    To Campus

  • 3 - 4 Bed


  • $1000 - $1200


  • 2025-06-01


Walk Time To Campus: 22 mins

Houses & Apartments For Rent In Platteville, WI

As the official UW-Platteville off-campus housing partner, College Pads is your number one resource for finding UW-Platteville houses and apartments for rent. We exist because we know that you need a tool to locate the best apartments and houses for rent in Platteville, WI. At the same time, you need to be able to quickly compare your favorite places with one another. That’s where we come in: College Pads is dedicated to helping you find the perfect UW-Platteville apartments and homes for rent, based on your specifications.

In decades past, finding UW-Platteville off-campus housing was a chore. Students would complain about searching for UW-Platteville apartments for rent one by one, painstakingly making calls to landlords in hopes that they’d be able to sign a lease. Most times they’d be too late, and even if they were able to schedule a showing, the apartment wouldn’t be what they were expecting. College Pads is fixing that.

Our diligent team of campus managers ensures that you’ll find UW-Platteville apartments and houses that’ll meet your expectations, and to ensure that you’ve got one of the best houses or apartments for rent in Platteville, WI, we’ll follow up with you and your landlord after you’ve made contact.

If anything goes wrong, we’ll be there to make it right. If you have specific requirements for your new place, use our customized filters to search for a pad that has your desired bedroom and bathroom count, the right amenities, pet-friendly policies, and more. If you’re wondering what renting and life in Platteville is like, be sure to check out our UW-Platteville off-campus housing guide in the navigation bar above.


UW-Platteville Off-Campus Housing Guide

Renting UW-Platteville Apartments

What’s nice about searching for UW-Platteville off-campus housing is that you don’t have to worry too much about a housing rush at any specific time of year. That’s because Platteville is relatively small, so the demand for apartments or houses for rent in Platteville isn’t too high.

That being said, fall is a busier housing season than spring, so if you want the best UW-Platteville off-campus housing possible, start looking early in the semester. In addition, if you’re looking for a house for rent, start searching early, as houses in Platteville are usually leased before apartments.

What is the closest neighborhood to UW-Platteville?
U of Wisconsin-Platteville / N Water St is the closest neighborhood to UW-Platteville.

When should I look for UW-Platteville off-campus housing?
You should start searching for off-campus housing early in Fall for the following year.

Do students at UW-Platt live mainly in houses or apartments?
Students mainly live in houses off-campus, though a selection of higher-end, student housing complex apartments have popped up around the campus in recent years.

What activities are nearby UW-Platteville?
A few popular spots off-campus are Mining and Rollo Jamison Museums, Platteville Farmers’ Market, Rural Route 1 Popcorn in Montfort, Belmont trails, and Williams Fieldhouse.

Rent Prices in Platteville

The average rent prices for UW-Platteville apartments and houses are extremely affordable - even if you’re on a tight budget! We’ve found that the best deals are usually for 3 bedroom apartments, as they’re already pretty cheap to start, and splitting rent can save you tons of money. Even if you’re looking for a personal studio apartment for rent in Platteville, WI, you’re in luck: they’re not much over 500, a very reasonable price.

How much do studio apartments near UW-Platteville cost?
The average rent for a studio apartment in Platteville, WI is $415.

How much do 1 bedroom apartments near UW-Platteville cost?
The average rent for a 1 bedroom apartment in Platteville, WI is $544.

How much do 2 bedroom apartments near UW-Platteville cost?
The average rent for a 2 bedroom apartment in Platteville, WI is $370.

How much do 3 bedroom apartments near UW-Platteville cost?
The average rent for a 3 bedroom apartment in Platteville, WI is $346.

How much do 4 bedroom apartments near UW-Platteville cost?
The average rent for a 4 bedroom apartment in Platteville, WI is $316.

Above Photo Credit To Wikimedia


Restaurants Near UW-Platteville

All that studying requires some serious fuel. Of course, you’ll find the same chain restaurants in Platteville you’d find anywhere, but there are also lots of local favorite places that you should definitely check out. Next time you’re ready for a killer meal, try one of these fine establishments in Platteville:

  • Gina’s Restaurant and Bar
  • Fiesta Cancun
  • Steve’s Pizza Place

Bars Near UW-Platteville

If there’s one thing UW-Platteville students know well (besides engineering), it’s bars! Next time you’re thirsty or looking for a place to meet up after class, check out any of these great bars. We’re sure you won’t be disappointed by what they have to offer:

  • Ticket Bar & Grill
  • Red N Deb’s Bar & Grill
  • The Annex 

Things To Do in Platteville, WI

Platteville may be small, but that doesn’t mean there’s a lack of fun things to do! For a little history, check out the Mining & Rollo Jamison Museums. They aim to teach visitors about Platteville’s regional history and its longstanding mining tradition, and they’re located nearby at the eastern end of Platteville’s historic district. Spend your time there by touring the 1845 Bevans Lead Mine, riding in a 1931 mine train, and learning about the local history of Platteville!

Southeastern Wisconsin might not be known as wine country but the Bauer-Kearns Winery makes Platteville a true powerhouse when it comes to fine wines. All of the Bauer Kearns Label Wines are Estate Wines. All grapes in these wines are grown on their estate in Platteville, so stop by for free tours and tastings during all business hours. Just don’t get too judicious with your tasting… you’re supposed to spit it out, remember? (Don’t worry. We won’t tell your professors.)

Just a short drive from the university lies the Dickeyville Grotto. The Dickeyville Grotto and Shines were erected on Holy Ghost Parish Grounds and are the work of Father Mathias Wernerus, a Catholic Priest, Pastor of the Parish from 1918 to 1931. His handiwork in stone, built from 1925-1930, is dedicated to the unity of two great American ideals-love of God and the love of Country. These religious and patriotic shrines were constructed without the use of blueprints. You should absolutely check them out to get a richer historical understanding of how Platteville came to be the town it is today.

Platteville Highlights:

  • Mining Museum
  • Bauer-Kearns Winery
  • Dickeyville Grotto